Our impact
We reverse pervasive unemployment for our graduates and help them achieve economic mobility for themselves and their families.
We define impact as advancing on three dimensions simultaneously

Our annual and cumulative volume of graduates around the world.
graduates across 17 countries since launching in 2015
family members indirectly supported

Our employment and income outcomes within 3 and 6 months of program completion.
of graduates placed in jobs within six months of program completion (76% at three months)
in cumulative wages earned by graduates since 2015

Our sustained employment, income, and well-being outcomes for our graduates over time.
Our alumni 2-5 years after graduation:
Who We Serve
with 1 or more dependents
don’t have university degree
were unemployed, with over half for 6+ months
We believe that great employees are identified through their skills, rather than their demographics
Our learners have a range of profiles by age, education, ethnicity, gender and income.
Graduates have thriving, high-quality career paths
At 2-5 years post graduation, our alumni have sustained employment in high-quality job roles, which is a strong indicator of continued well-being and career growth
While graduates start in entry-level roles, they quickly advance to intermediate & managerial roles
Graduates make strong progress on their economic mobility journeys
We want to see our graduates in jobs that provide stable, living wage incomes and we see strong progress from different starting points. In both tech and non-tech sectors, living wage attainment rises significantly after completing a Generation program and continues to grow thereafter.