Celebrating 100,000 alumni & $1 billion in wages earned since 2015

Today we are thrilled to celebrate a significant milestone in Generation’s work to change lives through employment. We have passed the milestone of having over 100,000 people graduate from our programs – 50,000 of those in the past two years – and in turn, those graduates have earned $1 billion in wages since 2015.

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We drive improved economic mobility through employment. Our organization has been running programs to train, place and support people into life-changing careers in 18 countries since our launch in 2015, and we advocate for new approaches to employment that will open up opportunities to everyone.

This work would not be possible without the support of our partners and funders across the globe.

“As we enter our 10th year at Generation, I am so proud of our 100,000 Generation graduates – 50,000 in the last two years! – who have earned over $1 billion in life-changing income since the start of our programs,” said Mona Mourshed, Generation’s global CEO. “We are grateful to work with partners who share our belief that the breadth, depth, and durability of impact are equally important.  Together, we support people across the world to achieve economic mobility and to build the life they want to live.”

The $1 billion in wages earned by graduates globally represents life-changing income and economic mobility for people and their families. Of this total, one third was earned by graduates in lower-upper middle-income countries (Brazil, India, Kenya, Mexico, and Pakistan, as defined by the World Bank), where living wage ranges from $2,000-4,000 per year. 

In addition to reversing pervasive unemployment among all learners — only 10% of graduates globally are employed before joining Generation in contrast to 87% employed six months after program completion — we see specific economic progress.

The majority of employed Generation alumni are earning above living wage 2-5 years post programming. As an example, 58% of graduates in lower-middle income countries (India, Kenya, Pakistan, Ghana) earn above living wage after completing the program, compared to only 13% before.

Learn more about Generation’s impact here and hear directly from even more graduates what employment has meant for them here.


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