Harry Grayde
Generation Chile
Harry is Chilean and has over 16 years of experience working in non-profit organizations. He has spent five years at CorporaciĆ³n la Esperanza, an Chilean organization dedicated to the prevention and rehabilitation of drug abuse, and eleven years at World Vision Chile, where he has held several positions and served as the Executive Director for the last 3 years. Harry enjoys working with teams to find innovative solutions that yield positive results for the most vulnerable. He has experience in implementing social impact projects and programs, as well as in fundraising from individuals, corporations, and multilateral organizations. Harry lives in Santiago, is married and a father of three children aged 12, 9, and 5. He enjoys playing paddle with his friends and siblings, playing soccer with his children, listening to music, going out with friends, and spending time with his family. Harry is thrilled and motivated to contribute to the sustainable growth of Generation Chile in order to positively impact the lives of thousands of people who deserve a better future.