Alondra | Chile
The dream of programming
At the age of 12, Alondra took a robotics course and fell in love with programming and technology. When she got older, she could not study programming for financial reasons, and instead started working in customer support at a call center. She applied to different technology bootcamps, but wasn’t accepted by any of them. When her financial situation improved, she enrolled in university, but after four semesters she had to quit because of personal issues.
One step closer
Alondra decided to give bootcamps one more try, and a friend recommended Generation Chile. When she saw what the program offered, she decided to apply, and a few weeks later she received the acceptance mail.
The challenge
The beginning of the Generation program was not easy. Alondra had some personal issues that hindered her progress. But with the steady support of classmates and teachers, she overcame those issues. Soon, she began to feel more confident in her skills as a front-end developer. By the end of the course, she had overcome her fears, learned to work in a team, and felt part of the Generation family.
Generation changed my life
Three weeks after graduation, Alondra got a job as a quality engineer at Equifax. She is grateful for the tools she acquired and the way in which she grew during the Generation program. Now, Alondra has even bigger aspirations: she dreams of becoming financially independent and working abroad. She says Generation turned her world upside down in the best way possible: “Join a Generation program, it will change your life!”