Zipporah | Kenya

Stuck in a Lackluster Job 

Zipporah was working as a website developer out of university for two years, but saw her young career come to a standstill when the Covid-19 pandemic rattled the world and she lost her job. After a year of being back at home without a job and a means to provide for herself, Zipporah knew that she needed to get back into the workforce, and found herself in a front office job that didn’t challenge her or offer her the opportunities she was looking for. “The job was not satisfying at all,” she told us, “it wasn’t that easy to access growth opportunities.”

New Opportunities to Grow

When she learned about Generation, Zipporah saw it as the opportunity for growth she was looking for. “I’m a person who loves personal and professional growth and so that was one of the most important things that I was really looking for in a program,” said Zipporah. 

After graduating from Generation, Zipporah was able to secure a job offer in a role that offered her higher pay, learning opportunities and, most importantly, opportunities for career growth. She now works as a content moderator for TikTok. “I’m working in a multicultural environment and culture. It has really expanded my knowledge,” she told us. Furthermore, she has been offered a promotion and sees a bright future for herself in the company. 

Becoming a Community Leader and Mentor

Zipporah not only gained new technical skills through her Generation experience, she grew as a community leader and mentor, stepping up as her cohort’s representative, attending local Generation events and, now as a graduate, being part of Generation’s Ambassador program

“I would recommend Generation to anyone looking to grow as a person!”