
think-cell is a powerful charting and layout software that aims to facilitate the creation of charts in Microsoft PowerPoint slides using Microsoft Excel data sheets. think-cell is able to produce scatter plots, bubble charts, line graphs, bar charts, waterfall charts, Mekko charts, Gantt charts, agendas, and more.

It uses built-in PowerPoint charts and shapes for its output, which means charts created with think-cell remain data-driven, changeable, and non-pixelated. There is a searchable online documentation for detailed instructions to get started with think-cell.  Their screen-casts show quick examples of how to build charts.

For more information on think-cell and its functionality, please visit the think-cell website.

Why should you consider using think-cell?

  • Creating your charts takes 70% less time
    Create 40+ chart types, including waterfallGantt, and Mekko charts in just 2-3 minutes.
  • 90% less time when making alterations
    Automate changes to your charts with think-cell.
  • Gain professional skills
    Become proficient with the charting software used by top consulting and investment firms.
  • Better results
    Improve your class presentations and impress your audience.

Usage terms

think-cell offers their software for free to academic or non-profit organizations, used exclusively for education, public research or direct non-profit core operations.

The software is available for free to Generation employees. To gain access to a think-cell license key, you should contact Generation’s Director of IT Support. The think-cell license key is valid for a period of 12 months. Two weeks prior to the expiration of the key, a new key will be provided.